Kasturi Manjal is also known as Cucuma aromatic or wild turmeric. Among the various turmeric varieties, wild turmeric is best for external applications. It also effectively treats the skin ailments such as eczema, acne and insect bites. Unlike regular turmeric, Kasturi Manjal does not stain in the skin and it is very fragrant. It is only used for external applications. One can buy the dried Kasturi manjal and it could be powdered at home. It possesses the strong anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties which is effective for acne treatments. The turmeric should be used with the yogurt or milk, if one has sensitive skin. The people with oily skin can mix it with rose water. The pregnant women should use Kasturi Manjal twice a day by mixing with little bit of coconut oil and yogurt before bath to eliminate stretch marks.