Coconut Oil Capsules


Common name : Coconut Oil Capsules
Usage : Herbal Supplements
MOQ : 50000 nos



Coconut Oil Capsules contain pure, cold pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil part of your dietary regimen to boost your energy and make your heart healthy. The essential fatty acids in the oil has potent medicinal benefits. It eases joint pains and keeps the joints lubricated. Regular intake ensures a fit body and mind. -rich in healthy medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that help raise good cholesterol (HDL), improve memory & cognition, boost immunity, ease joint pains, and provide instant energy. Every softgel capsule contains 1000 mg extra virgin coconut oil. Contains no added fillers, binders, flavorings, additives or preservatives.

Benefits and Uses of Coconut Oil Capsules

  • Weight loss
  • Treating Candida
  • Reducing bad cholesterol
  • Increasing good cholesterol
  • Treating hair loss
  • Improving metabolism
  • Keeping the skin attractive and healthy
  • Treating problems with digestion
  • Fighting microbial infections
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