Baheda Powder


Common name : Baheda Powder
Botanical name : Terminalia bellirica
Usage : Herbal Supplements
MOQ : 25kg



This herb is one of the ingredients among triphala i.e Haritaki, Bibhitaki and Amalaki. This herb is very effective in the nourishment of dhatus of body and in pacification of tridosha. Fruit pulp is very effective in eye nourishment, hair growth and preventing hoarseness of voice. It also has mild sedative action and is also used in insomnia. This herb works wonderfully on all seven dhatus and gives miraculous results. This plant contains various chemical compounds such as sitosterol, egalic acid, galic acid, galloyl glucose, chebugalic acid, protein, oxalic acid, tannins, galactose, glucose, mannitol, fructose, chebulasic acid and ramnose. Baheda is also used to build strong hair.

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