Sarsaparilla Root


Common name : Sarsaparilla Root
Botanical name : Hemidesmus Indicus
Usage : Herbal Supplements
MOQ : 25 Kg



Sarsaparilla has a lot of names. It is a very beneficial tropical plant. Every part of the organic sarsaparilla root has a benefit in it. It is packed with nutrition and benefits. It can have various uses. Dried Sarsaparilla root can also be taken in the form of tea. It can be very beneficial for detoxifying the body and preventing other health problems in the body naturally.

Sarsaparilla root has various nutritional and chemical benefits which are really important for our body. Sarsaparilla has a saponin compound in it; this is very helpful in keeping the body away from germs. It keeps the body clean and healthy.

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